What is a Domain? Domain name is a particular web address of a website like facebook.com. So we say that anything that comes after WWW. is called a Domain name. Necessarily, the name of a website must match with middle portion(WWW. yourwebsitename.com) of the domain name. Why is Domain name needed? Domain name is the most important part of a website and we don't even think of a website without a domain name. It has its own importance because to access a particular website one need to type the domain name in the address bar of the browser. Let us take an example, we all have lived in our own home, which has its own unique address i.e. house no. 4, 12/35, CityWalk street or whatever. So, to visit our home one must have our home address. Have you heard of a house our flat without an address? If yes then you must be out of your mind or from another planet. Similarly, a website also must have a domain name or address. As you know that internet is a digital virtual world which is k...
I n my previous article you've learned ' How to create a Blog? ', and now in this article I am going to show you how to create a beautiful post on your blog . Its just simple as writing an article or something on MS Word, idf you worked on MS Word you find it very simple. Read this guide and learn in just five minutes and Please! read my previous article first if you don't have a blog in blogger and you don't know how to create a blog in blogger here . So let's start, After you created your blog, firstly just Sign in to Blogger with your Google Account here , skip this if you already signed in. Step 1 - Going to your Blog Dashboard After signing in, your Blog dashboard window is opened on your screen, just like image given below, this whole area called Blog dashboard , which is showing our Posts, Stats, Campaign, Earning are many more things. Now just click on the link " Create new post " as given below. Step 2 - Blog post Editor ...