What is a Domain? Domain name is a particular web address of a website like facebook.com. So we say that anything that comes after WWW. is called a Domain name. Necessarily, the name of a website must match with middle portion(WWW. yourwebsitename.com) of the domain name. Why is Domain name needed? Domain name is the most important part of a website and we don't even think of a website without a domain name. It has its own importance because to access a particular website one need to type the domain name in the address bar of the browser. Let us take an example, we all have lived in our own home, which has its own unique address i.e. house no. 4, 12/35, CityWalk street or whatever. So, to visit our home one must have our home address. Have you heard of a house our flat without an address? If yes then you must be out of your mind or from another planet. Similarly, a website also must have a domain name or address. As you know that internet is a digital virtual world which is k...
Everyone in this world wants to become successful in his life. And today every field have a tough competition and One has to compete over thousands of people to show himself the Best. But every work or job is not for everyone because we are not superhuman who can do anything. We all have different abilities, qualities, knowledge and work experience. So we cannot do everything perfectly in our life. We all have one thing in our life that we can do at its best like writing, painting, singing, Photography, Blogging etc....etc. But how can we find that thing of our life?? The answer to this question is – "The thing that we can do at its best" is that one thing which we Love to do more and more times. ‘Love' is, the most important thing in our life because it brings Positivity and Happiness in our life. It is important "To Love What We Do" or "Do What We Love". Both these quotes sound similar but are far different from each other. "Love ...
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